5 Questions with Rags #23 - Chelsea Lou

Anyone who can make me laugh with an inappropriate joke in a slightly inappropriate place is someone I can get behind. Chelsea Lou told a joke about gluten-intolerance and being barren (I can’t remember the specifics of the joke so you’ll have to go see her live to hear it) during a 10am set at Tall Tree this summer and my laughter echoed off the shocked, hung-over, sun-soaked crowd around me like so many marbles in a billionaire’s empty mansion hallway. Luckily she’s around town fairly often it would seem, like at this year’s Rifflandia (10:30pm, Friday, Sept.19, Intrepid Theatre) where I probably won’t see her because I will be dancing, but you should see her and save some dancing space for me! There’s some more ways to find her down below, after you read our chat.

1. Can you think of a movie that had an effect on the way you saw the world?

I think after I saw Reservoir Dogs I started to get a little more assertive as a human being. It was also around that time I saw Goodfellas. I think that started to inform who I became as a woman, in a lot of ways.

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5 Questions with Rags #22 - The Funkee Wadd

The Funkee Wadd is e’rywhere on the West Coast now. Between his own funks and the funky live hip-hop he’s helping lay down with his homeys in Illvis Freshly, the Funkee Wadd has all the momentum a human could have out here on Vancouver Island and the surrounding areas. After watching his ass-rattling set and catching a brief chat with him at Tall Tree earlier this summer, I knew I was going to have to get him down with the 5 Questions. Luckily for me, and all of you wonderful people, he was more than happy to get on the phone and talk all kinds of shit with me.


1. Do you remember the first album you went out and purchased on your own?

It was a CD, the first album I ever purchased, and it was Beastie Boys’ Hello Nasty. It’s kind of funny how it’s come around full circle, being in a rock group.

Favourite song on the record?

“3 MCs and 1 DJ”

What a good song. That video was way good.

Yeah man. Mix Master Mike just cuttin’ it up. Great.

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5 Questions with Rags #21 - Mat the Alien

This was supposed to be the final in the 5 Questions in the run-up to Shambhala, but alas, as it was close to Shambhala, it kind of got filed away and lost in the festival hustle. But now, my chat with Mat the Alien sees the light of day and it’s a good thing too, because Mat the Alien is one of the best and most important DJs in the West Coast scene working today. He’s also one of the nicest. His English accent and calm manner of speaking belies the audio-killer that lurks underneath. You never know what you’re going to get at an Alien show…maybe heavy on funk? Drum ‘n’ bass, perhaps? Breaks? Dubstep? The homey’s got you covered. I was super lucky to get the local legend on the phone to answer my silly questions and you are even luckier to get to read it. Feel the luck!

Despite my awful timing, this works out perfectly as Mr. The Alien is going to be back in my neck of the woods in Victoria, BC, in September. Make sure to catch him before Longwalkshortdock on Saturday, September 19 at the Capital Iron Stage during Rifflandia.

And for your listening pleasure whilst you enjoy our brief, whimsical conversation (And for an hour afterwards) here is Mat the Alien’s winning mix for the good people over at THUMP. Listen and enjoy.


How many Shambhalas have you been to? Do you have a memory that sticks out?

I think this is my 12th or 13th Shambhala. There’s a lot of memories, really. The first time I played there I played right before Bassnectar on what used to be the Main Stage, now it’s the Pagoda. That was a big one. Just being able to see it grow has been awesome. All of it is such a crazy experience.


1. Can you think of a movie you saw that had an effect on the way you saw the world?

The movie Quadraphenia, with the soundtrack by the Who. That was a big movie about different music movements in England and people rebelling against old stuff. I don’t know, it kind of reminded me of rave music that I got into. That Who soundtrack was really good too, lots of good rockers. It seemed like a really crazy era.

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5 Questions with Rags #19 - Beat Fatigue

There are few things I love more these days than really funky electronic music anchored by a live instrument and few guys are doing it as well as Beat Fatigue. Coming from that bastion of freedom, Amsterdam, Beat Fatigue's guitar licks might just be funkier than his basslines - but they might not be. I'm torn on this one. Even though his name was on the headliner list for Shambhala, released some time ago, it was only in the last few weeks that I saw his name on there (Because I'm bad at reading things, apparently) and I've been pumped ever since. Lucky for me the good homey was down to get on the march to Shambhala with me and answer my ridiculous questions for all of your reading pleasure.


1. Do you remember the first album you bought with your own money? Do you still listen to it? What format? Favourite track?

Haha, I have to dig very deep now…I think the first album I actually bought with my own money was Stevie Ray Vaughan’s ‘The Sky Is Crying’. I was obsessed with his version of "Little Wing" for quite a while, still am, actually. That dude played the blues like no other! I still listen to a lot of blues, it’s a language that really speaks to me. 

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