5 Questions with Rags #40 - BOUSADA
If you've been taking in music on and around Vancouver Island in the last year you've probably encountered the smooth tsunami that is BOUSADA. Homie has been near-inescapable over the last little while, hitting festivals, supporting huge acts like Katchafire and headlining his own shows. Dude's brand of silky-smooth grooves, thoughtful and warmly delivered lyrics, and an unyieldingly positive stage presence is an addictive formula that keeps ears peaked and waiting for more. His shows are seriously joyful dance parties, built to help the audience forget everything but the groove. If you haven't got Bousada into your regularly listening diet yet, you might want to start rethinking some of your decisions.
Keep up with all things Bousada over at the ever-present Facebook page.
Get some of his tasty grooves into your ear holes at his Soundcloud. And for your listening pleasure whilst you read our little chat..."Shake." Maybe wait until you've read the thing to start your own shaking, though. Just a thought.
1. Do you remember the first album you bought with your own money?
I think that it may have been Blink-182 Enema of the State. It might have been a different album but that's the first one I remember getting into.
When's the last time you listened to Enema of the State. What songs were even on there?
I have no idea. “What's My Age Again?” “Adam's Song.” I do go back and listen to some Blink-182 because they just got back together to play some shows and...uhhh...<laughs> Their live sound is terrible too. Their such terrible singers, but that album was pretty good.
2. Can you think of a book or movie that had a genuine effect on the way you saw the world?
Cloud Atlas. That movie was huge. It's the largest independent film ever in terms of budget. It was made by the Wachowskis. It's based on a book, which I'm told is very good. There are six stories being told simultaneously and they're happening at different times. They're all independent stories but common themes come out in all of the stories and the same actors in all of the stories. I had to watch it three times to figure out what's going on. I first watched in Montreal a couple of years ago and it took me a few days to unravel the implications of it. That was the most recent thing that had an effect on me.
3. When's the last time you did something for the first time?
I opened a business the other day. I've never done that before. It's not my business.
What? You opened a business that isn't yours?
I was just in charge of opening it. Somebody paid me to open it. It's a grocery store. That's definitely the last time I did something for the first time. It was a woman and myself, we would talk about what needed to be done and I would just do it. Sometimes she'd do it but she was very busy. It's a little organic grocery store called the West Coast Pantry. It's opened up in the Public Market.
4. What's the most positive memory you have of an elementary or high school teacher?
Mr. Greenman. I was in Grade 8 and he was one of those teachers that as a figure in the school, you think he's a big jerk because he's really strict. When he'd be out for recess he'd be very stern but when you got into his class he was the nicest guy. He was like 6'7, black belt in Tai Kwon Do, super hairy ears. The hairiest ears. Every morning he would write a quote on the blackboard and we would spend anywhere from between five minutes to an hour talking about the quote. Like, life lessons. I learned a lot and some of those quotes I still remember. The one that stands out to me, I think about almost daily, is “The storm that breaks the mighty oak only bends the willow.” The idea is that sometimes the most important thing is to be adaptable, it's not about being big or strong.
5. If you could spend the day with anyone living or dead, who would it be and what would you do?
I have two answers...My “guilty answer” would be Mac DeMarco and I would get drunk with him. But that's like the bag of chips answer. The healthy dinner answer is...I think it would be really cool to hang out with...Jesus. Was he alive? Can I say Jesus?
Yeah, you can say Jesus. Why not?!
I'm not at all religious but I kind of think of religious figures as party-throwers and Jesus just threw the craziest party ever. People are still talking about it. It must have been insane. Either that or it's just all fictitious and used for mind control, which is very possible. Or it's actually a very profound thing that was going down.
6. The guest question comes from Spencer, the manager of the Russ Liquid Test – because they tasked him to come up with it – What are your preferred ingredients in the ultimate grilled-cheese sandwich?
Okay, that's easy. A nice aged cheddar, really old, like so old that's kind of gunky. “Oh, that's stinky!” Some tomatoes, because I love some good tomatoes, some caramelized onion and that would probably be it. It would be served with a delicious, extra-garlicy pickle and I would dip in ketchup with hot sauce.
Do you have a particular kind of bread?
I don't know exactly what kind of bread, but maybe like a challah, egg bread. I like that shit. Mmmm, I could make it right now.
Also, Bousada is part ghost, so that's pretty cool too.