I talk to Vandana Shiva, real-life Superhero.
Music is what I write about because it's what I love. It is a powerful communicator and a vital part of any thriving culture. But, at the end of the day, it's just music. There are people out there doing important, compassionate, world-changing things that improve the lives of everyone and everything they come into contact with. Eco-feminist and human love-beam Dr. Vandana Shiva is one of those people. When I found out that she'd be speaking here in Victoria at UVic on the eve of her receiving an honourary doctorate from the university I jumped at the chance to interview this vitally inspiring person. I had originally planned on doing a phone interview before she arrived as a preview piece, but instead was given the privilege of sitting face-to-face with her and conversing like humans. I consider myself a relatively intelligent person but I the nerves I felt going into conversation with this intellectual titan where nearly overwhelming. I asked some things that I may have already known, but that I wanted articulated to be by one of the most important and inspiring people working today. As we sat across from each other I was quickly calmed by her calm demeanour and warm smile.
When the night did come for her to receive her honour from the University of Victoria, I was amazed not at the turn out of people, but at the passion that she inspired in everyone in that room. Dr. Vandana Shiva is a beacon of light and hope in a world that is seemingly more enveloped in darkness and chaos by the day. Seemingly is the operative word there...