5 Questions with Rags #82 - Krofton
I'm struggling to think of a single person who has entertained me more in the last 3.5 years than the man known as Krofton. A mainstay of the west coast indie wrestling scene for two decades, Krofton is one of the most beloved members of the incredibly beloved 365 Pro Wrestling roster. Kids, moms and wrestling dorks (like me!) alike go wild when the first notes of The Real McKenzie's “Chip” hits and Krofton comes bounding out from behind the curtains. An adaptable in-ring performer, you know when Krofton is coming up, something fun is going to happen. Doesn't matter the style of wrestling, Krofton is going to make it work. The man was part of my favourite match of 2023 – which included a long man-on-another-mans-shoulders sequence and a man riding a scooter around a ring to inflict his wrestling violence. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU WATCH IT (It's the first match on this show). Also, no one in local wrestling has done more for me personally than Krofton, blessing the world with my favourite move time and time again, keeping it alive – the BIIIIIG BACK BODY DROP! 5 Questions with Rags is one of the things I like doing most in this world and there's honestly no wrestler I would rather have be the first answerer of the 5 Questions than the big homie, Krofton. He was more than game to get out of wrestling mode at the end of our chat to answer my silly questions – but shockingly wrestling still pops up! Wrestling is all things. Krofton is wrestling. Hence, Krofton is all things. Not really, but he's really fucking good at wrestling and a helluva guy to know and be able to talk with.
Contrary to what you may be thinking, Krofton is the one being kicked here. Photo by Darren Ho Media.
1. Do you remember the first album you bought with your own money?
It was Green Day Dookie. It wasn't a CD, it was a cassette.
When's the last time you listened to it?
Oh god, half the songs are on my work playlist I listen to every day. I hear “Longview” and “She” and “Basketcase” every day. Sometimes twice.
What's an underrated song on that record people should listen to?
The secret song, about 8 minutes after “F.O.D.” ends. It's stupid and it's corny but it's great.
2. If you could spend the day with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and what would you do?
My grandpa. And we'd watch wrestling. I know my grandpa would be blown away - The amount he invested toys and us going to see wrestling. Sit back and watching wrestling with my grandpa. When I was a baby all I can remember is having the big LJN figures – Tito Santana in purple trunks, Hulk Hogan in yellow trunks. I have them still to this day and they're stamped 1982 and I was born in 1983. When my grandpa found out I was gonna be a boy, he overloaded me with wrestling toys and that's all I've ever known or seen. I've seen Hulk Hogan six times. I saw Andre the Giant when I was 6 years old. It's everything and it's all I've been around. Pro wrestling, just watching wrestling.
Hulk Hogan fan gets kicked. Hard. Photo by Darren Ho Media.
3. When is the last time you did something for the first time?
Ladder match. Never did one of those before. I hate heights. I do not climb ladders. I honestly do climb ladders. I'm petrified of heights. When I come off the top rope, I have about three seconds once I get up there because I gotta go and it's either landing on my hip or landing on my back. Outside of wrestling – driving a forklift. Never driven one before I got this job.
4. What's your best memory of a teacher or mentor growing up?
Grade 5. Mr. H.. I was struggling pretty good but he made the effort to offer tutoring. I would meet him at the library in town and I would do better. And over time he helped me out, even into high school, while he was in Japan teaching, he would send me written letters just telling me to keep my head up and focus on different things. Then Facebook popped up and we were able to connect.
5. If you were responsible for one household chore for the rest of your life, if you were shackled to it, what chore would you choose?
Laundry. Folding laundry is very peaceful. I don't mind doing it and I like having my clothes smel fresh and I'd rather do it myself. And there's nothing wrong with a warm hoodie at any time of the day.
6. Guest question comes from Danny from powerful and ultra-dope New York ska band, Stop the Presses... Does pineapple belong on savory food?
Absolutely. Pineapple on everything, my friend. I actually had Hawaiian pizza last night. I was supposed to share it with my daughter and I ate the whole thing. And fried pineapple on ham, absolutely amazing. You cannot go wrong with that.
The young GAWD Travis Williams folding up Krofton like some fresh laundry. Photo by Darren Ho Media.