5 Questions with Rags #12 - The Gaff
For some while now, the Gaff has been one of Western Canada’s foremost purveyors of funky goodness, rocking dancefloors all around our great land. He’s also a really cool, interesting cat. (Peep the profile I wrote about him earlier this year for the Martlet.) I’m still fairly new to the DJ world and sometimes I feel like I’m some kind of infiltrator (Though I’m really just a student) but not talking to the Gaff. Maybe it’s because so much of his roots are here at home base in Victoria and we move at a similar speed, but really who knows. As the Rock would say, “It doesn’t matter!”
The Gaff’s soundcloud is an endless smorgasbord of tasty delights that can get you through any day, good or bad, with an extra bounce in your step. You should listen to it.
You should also check out his other soundcloud, for his label Do It With Soul, because it’s his label and shares his groovy, groovy aesthetic.
I feel like I should give you all one of his latest releases as suggested listening for this, but I’m going to go in the way back machine to the Gaff’s first release (w/ Factor) The Trip Beyond, because it’s so fucking enjoyable. So bloody well enjoy it while you enjoy our pleasant little chat.
1. Do you remember the first album you purchased with your own money?
The first one that ever purchased…It was N.W.A. Straight Outta Compton. It got stuck in my parent’s cassette deck in the car and I got in trouble from my parents.
2. If you had to choose between keeping your sight and your hearing, which one would you go with?
I’ve thought about that many, many times. I would have to say my sight. If you turn music up loud enough you can feel it anyways. You don’t necessarily feel melody as much but you do feel rhythm, especially if you get a good sound system with lots of bass. I would choose my sight because to function in this world would be so hard and there are so many beautiful things to see. I’d go for sight.
The Gaff using both sight and sound to rock The Atmosphere Gathering 2014. Photo by me.
3. Can you think of a movie that an effect on the way you saw the world?
There was a movie I saw in the early 90’s called Dead Again. It was thriller with Kenneth Branagh. It was about a couple in a previous life had been together and he turned into a psycho killer. If I remember right one of them had killed the other in a previous life. I saw that at a really early age. And if not that I’d have to say Enter the Dragon for sure. I say Enter the Dragon, there might be other ones that were more influential later, as you get older you see things, but that one started it.
4. Can technology set us free to the beautiful, peaceful utopia we were told about?
Yeah, I think it can. Of course. Obviously we’re not going to live in RoboWorld. It’ll be cool as long as it’s kept in balance with nature.
5. If the world was ending and you get to board a spaceship to escape to safety and you’re allowed to take one piece of culture with you for preservation, what would you take with you?
Hmmm, one tangible thing. Geez, wow. I’d probably take my shakuhachi flute. I feel like I could serenade the aliens and convince them into letting me take something else. <laughs>
Like asking a genie for more wishes! Clever.
If I take a book, the best case scenario is that I read it to them or I’m going to pass myself out with boredom. Anything else will probably wear out its usefulness. I don’t really need a toy. A musical instrument for sure. For me I like the shakuhachi flute because that’s what I play, but definitely a musical instrument.
(6.)Dane from the Victoria Ska Society asks, what do you think would be the environmental impact/benefit to mankind to extract and use 50% of the plastic from the world’s oceans?
I guess it would increase the natural habitat of sea-dwelling fish and animal life, like birds. I don’t know how much that plastic is affecting seals and whales, but definitely fish and ocean birds. That would be fucking awesome. Anything to clean up our shit is going to be good. Please don’t mind my uncouthness. <laugh>
I think I’m good. My gentle heart is not offended.
Vinyl pimp. (Provided.)